ROLE: Product Designer, Researcher


GoHealth is a healthcare marketplace with the mission is to improve access to healthcare in America. Enrolling in a health insurance plan is confusing and difficult, and knowing how to get everything you can out of a plan is difficult and daunting.

After a customer talks with a GoHealth agent and selects a plan they need to apply. To do so the agent will send over an email proposal, which is a summary of the plan and phone call details along with the option to apply online.

The current eApp design had initially been driven from an agent and carrier standpoint, meaning the verbiage and information was created for the agents and carriers to understand and move through quickly.

As applications are turning to a more digital format the experience needs to accommodate our consumers and their needs. I was tasked with making improvements to the overall user experience of applying for a medicare plan online.



Identified areas within the current E-App that could be improved:

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Since this was focused on Medicare we targeted users in the 65+ age range for testing. Using I conducted a total of 15 Moderated live sessions and 50 unmoderated sessions using a clickable prototype in InVision.

Tested with 2 new UI versions


Version 1

  1. Plan information available at the top of the page

  2. 5 total steps labeled, multiple pages

  3. Short page length to reduce scrolling


Version 2

  1. Plan information along right-hand side

  2. 3 step process indicated at the top of the page

  3. More information on single page (longer scrolling)



  1. Users strongly preferred plan information located on the right-hand side.

  2. Three steps in the progress bar made it very clear and felt as if the application was shorter and quicker

  3. Users wanted more information to provide clarity for these certain areas (what it is/why are we asking for it): Emergency contact, SEP and PCP ID

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Users LOVED the addition of the Medicare card visual



When searching for their PCP that led to confusion around how to find their PCP:

Am I searching for my PCP or am I finding a new PCP?



Now that we found a new problem users were having with finding their PCP we ran 2 more user testing sessions.


Change the content

First we changed the content to see if that can help provide more guidance.


Separate the choices

We learned that they were still unsure what the question was asking, once they made a selection they were unsure what selection was made so we separated the two into very clear individual selection boxes.



The two separate paths where very clear when finding a physician, this helped users clearly see and understand what selection was being made when finding  their physician



We wanted to assure the mobile process was simple and seamless, we ran some testing on mobile as well but learned early on that users did not feel comfortable using their mobile device for an application like this. This was to important to them and they would prefer to use their desktop for an application for Medicare.
